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时间:2014-09-26 17:18:30 来源:银行招聘考试网 



  汇丰集团(The Hongkongand Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited---HSBC)是全球规模最大的银行及金融机构之一,总部设于英国伦敦。汇丰集团在欧洲、亚太地区、美洲、中东及非洲76个国家和地区拥有约9,500间附属机构。汇丰在伦敦、香港、纽约、巴黎及百慕大等证券交易所上市,全球股东约有200,000,分布于100多个国家和地区。雇有232000名员工。汇丰银行在全球拥有超过1亿1千万的顾客。

  汇丰银行由苏格兰人托玛斯·萨瑟兰德(Thomas Sutherland)于1864年在香港发起,资本500万港元。最初的担任发起委员会成员的包括宝顺洋行(Messrs Dent & Co.;委员会主席)、琼记洋行(Messrs Aug Heard & Co)、沙逊洋行(Messrs Sassoon Sons & Co)、大英轮船(The Peninsular & Oriental Steam)、禅臣(Messrs Siemssen & Co)、太平洋行(Gilman & Co)、 顺章洋行(Messr P Cama Co)等十家洋行。1865年3月3日正式在香港创立;同年5月,上海分行成立。




  China Banker Development Programme

  This two-year programme will give you the foundation to follow a long-term career path as a generalist banker. The programme provides opportunities to gain banking knowledge, analytical decision-making capabilities and people management skills and, on completion, progress quickly into your first leadership role.

  What to expect

  Your training will provide targeted exposure to different business streams: Commercial Banking, Retail Banking and Wealth Management, HSBC Securities and Services, Global Trade and Receivables Finance, and Global Payment and Cash Management.

  With our international outlook, you can expect to work on cross-border deals and there may be the opportunity to work away from your home location. Although the generalist knowledge you will gain will be ideal preparation for a senior-level local or regional role in mainland China, international opportunities may be available where appropriate.

  Learning, development and support

  We will equip you with the skills and experience you will need as a stepping-stone to a leadership career. You will be expected to take on early management responsibility and continually develop your professional business knowledge and practical skills, learning from experts in the bank.

  Over the course of the programme, you will benefit from:

  • On-the-job experience through a series of placements

  • Exposure to banking functions and businesses in mainland China and Asia Pacific

  • Specific product and skills training in various banking segments

  • Management, leadership and technical skills training

  • Overseas training and programme offers for high performers

  • A mentor (senior manager) to provide coaching and guidance

  • Regular performance feedback and discussion.

  Duration: Two years

  Business areas

  Commercial Banking, Retail Banking and Wealth Management, HSBC Securities and Services, Global Trade and Receivables Finance, and Global Payment and Cash Management.

  Who can apply

  Graduates with a Bachelor’s degree from a recognised university (any discipline is acceptable)

  Please note

  Applicants must be proficient in Chinese and English languages and be able to demonstrate the management potential to make the most of the opportunities available.

  Final employment is subject to work permit and/or approval from labour authorities (if applicable).

  Please click here to submit your online application before the deadline of 31 Oct 2014.

  Connect the world at HSBC.


  Future Trusted Advisor

  Retail Banking and Wealth Management HSBC China

  Location: Shanghai/Beijing/Guangzhou/Shenzhen Duration: 12 months

  Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.

  What to expect: Future Trusted Advisor RBWM

  Global Premier is HSBC’s wealth management and international banking proposition designed to provide personal support for the personal economy of our globally-minded affluent clients. A cornerstone of the proposition is the dedicated Premier Relationship Manager who is a highly skilled and experienced individual, playing the Trusted Advisor role to our clients. The primary accountability of this role is to connect the clients to opportunities, to help clients fulfill their hopes and dreams and realize their ambitions

  The key objective of "Future Trusted Advisor" is to provide high caliber with a structured fast track program to enhance their careers by preparing them to be Premier Relationship Manager in support of HSBC RBWM’s business growth strategy in China.

  Who can apply?

  We are looking for the candidate who meets the following requirements:

  -Newly graduate from the university or have less than 1 year working experience

  -Open-minded and willing to embrace sales challenges

  -Highly driven and self-motivated

  -Good interpersonal and communication skills

  Learning, development and support

  The program consists of several structured activities over a 12 month period that includes:

  -Robust Selection Process

  -Structured training and job rotation plan


  -Assessment upon completion of program

  -Promotion or continued development

  You are expected to demonstrate the below capabilities which are critical to the Premier Relationship Manager role by the end of the program:

  1. Customer Focus

  2. Achieving Excellence

  3 Understanding Markets and Customers

  4. Strengthening Customer Relationships

  5. Finding and Developing Business

  6. Portfolio Management

  Upon successful completion of the program, RBWM will provide you with a well-defined career path to accelerate your development through broad exposures.

  Please click here to submit your online application.

  Connect the world at HSBC.



城市 学校 宣讲会时间 宣讲会场地
济南市 山东大学(中心校区) 2014/10/13 18:30-20:30 邵逸夫科学馆
沈阳市 东北大学 2014/10/13(待定) 18:30-20:30 教学馆102
成都市 西南财经大学(柳林校区) 2014/10/21 18:30-20:30 学生活动中心多功能厅(柳林校区)
天津市 南开大学 2014/10/15(待定) 18:30-20:30 伯苓楼一楼报告厅
重庆市 重庆大学(A区) 2014/10/16 18:30-20:30 综合楼演讲厅
杭州市 浙江大学(玉泉校区) 2014/10/15 18:30-20:30 曹光彪东楼502
哈尔滨市 哈尔滨工业大学 2014/10/23 18:30-20:30 新活动中心101
青岛市 中国海洋大学(崂山校区) 2014/10/21 18:30-20:30 教学楼四区4102
长沙市 湖南大学(本部) 2014/10/21(待定) 18:30-20:30 逸夫楼报告厅(本部)
南京市 南京大学(鼓楼校区) 2014/10/21 18:30-20:30 科技馆一楼报告厅(鼓楼校区)
太原市 太原理工大学 2014/10/15 18:30-20:30 招生就业处4层报告厅
大连市 大连理工大学 2014/10/16(待定) 18:30-20:30 图书馆报告厅
昆明市 云南大学 2014/10/22 18:30-20:30 科学馆一楼报告厅
西安市 西安交通大学 2014/10/16 18:30-20:30 本部就业中心一楼信息发布大厅
郑州市 郑州大学(新区) 2014/10/23 18:30-20:30 机械学院5楼报告厅
长春市 吉林大学(南校区) 2014/10/14 18:30-20:30 经信F2(南校区)
厦门市 厦门大学(思明校区) 2014/10/13 18:30-20:30 思明校区克立楼3楼报告厅
无锡市 江南大学 2014/10/16(待定) 18:30-20:30 北区学生活动中心F105招聘大厅
深圳市 北京大学汇丰商学院 2014/10/22 18:30-20:30 多功能教室
宁波市 宁波诺丁汉大学 2014/10/23 18:30-20:30 TB329
大连市 东北财经大学 2014/10/16(待定) 18:30-20:30 博学楼314
南昌市 南昌大学 2014/10/20 18:30-20:30 机电楼D127
福州 福州大学(大学城校区) 2014/10/20 18:30-20:30 图书馆明德厅